MIKVAH is a spiritual, ritual bath, designed to custom specifications, that brides and married Jewish women immerse in. According to Jewish tradition water symbolizes life, purity, and the abundance of G-dly blessings. The waters in the Mikvah contain Mayim Chayim, or living waters. This is gathered rainwater direct from the source that is filtered, purified and chlorinated to the highest standard. As a woman immerses in the living waters she reconnects with her inner spiritual core, and with fellow Jewish women spanning through the generations who have been immersing in mikvah since Biblical times.   

DIPPING in the Mikvah is customarily done in conjunction with the traditional laws of family purity, which guide the intimate relationships between husband and wife. Brides traditionally immerse in the mikvah in the lead up to their wedding day. Married women immerse on a monthly basis, based on their menstrual cycle calendar.


MIKVAH is an auspicious time for introspection and renewal. The laws of mikvah are the structure that creates the holiness of a marital relationship. For thousands of years, Jewish marriages have been strengthened through the sanctity of the holiness inherent in the mitzvah of mikvah. Judaism’s laws of family purity mandate the husband and wife to refrain from intimate contact while the wife is menstruating, and for a period of seven days following. At the end of this time, she immerses in the mikvah and can resume intimate relations with her husband. During immersion, a woman connects to her spiritual  side in an honest and deep level. It is an auspicious time for her to pray for all her desires and the needs of her family.

JUDAISM holds the mitzvah of mikvah, and the importance of intimate relationships between a husband and wife, in the highest regard. It believes that intimate relationships  are sacred, and essential to marital harmony, and mikvah is an essential part of facilitating that connection.

WHEN a woman immerses in the mikvah, she brings herself in immediate contact with the source of life, purity and holiness – with G-d. She also links herself to an ongoing tradition that has spanned generations, connecting with Jewish women around the world and throughout history. A woman who has reached menopause need only immerse one more time to achieve this level of holiness and purity in her intimate life.


The Chelsea Mikvah is a quintessential Manhattan spa experience, replete with all the amenities of a luxury day spa. When you visit the Mikvah, a friendly attendant will ensure you have all the items to prepare for your immersion; plush robes and slippers, top-of-the-line personal care items and cosmetic beauty products. You will have time to shower and prepare for your immersion in the luxurious private preparation rooms.

When you have completed the pre-immersion routine, you will be led discreetly by a personal care attendant directly to the Mikvah room—with complete privacy.

The Mikvah attendant will guide you on the immersion process, as you say the blessing, immerse  in the clear waters, and emerge spiritually revitalized. They will be there to answer any questions you may have or to accommodate any specific requests you have. 

Everything you will need for the visit is provided including; towels, bathrobes, shampoo & conditioner, body lotions and more. 

Bookings must be made two days in advance and three days in advance for Friday night and Shabbat appointments. (Friday night/holiday appointments booked with less than 24 hr notice are $100)

Chelsea Residents $45
Non-Chelsea Residents $60
Daytime Appointments $100


Click here for a step-by-step guide to visiting the mikvah

*Please note: This mikvah is exclusively for women's immersions and is not availble for toiveling dishes.